Striving for new Horizons

Research. Expert Opinion. Legal Training.

Dr. Heiko Krüger is a tech-focused attorney, researcher, and author who specializes in the fields of digitalization, society, and international, European, and German corporate law. Heiko holds a professorship in law at IU International University of Applied Sciences in Germany. As an expert commentator on international and European legal matters and legal technology, he has authored numerous articles and books. Additionally, he served as a member of the State of Berlin’s Ethics Committee for 14 years. Heiko’s educational background includes studies in law and political management, and he earned his doctoral degree in international and European business law and the sociology of law. Within the realm of digitalization and society, his research primarily centers on digital legislation, govtech, e-government, legal tech, and the use of AI in government, judicial, and private sectors.



Heiko’s research centers on the intersection of digitalization, society, and law, exploring questions related to digital legislation, govtech, egovernment, legal tech, and the application of AI in government, judicial, and private contexts.

Expert Opinion

Heiko has published widely on international and EU-related legal issues and worked as a legal reviewer in various fields. His articles and books have been published by leading international and German publishers, including Oxford University Press, Edward Elgar Publishing, Springer, C.H.Beck, and Nomos.

Legal Training

As a professor of business law, Heiko focuses on courses that deal with EU law, M&A, international transactions, and foreign legal systems.